

  • Remove hard deposits of bacteria from the teeth and gums which can cause gum/periodontal disease.

  • Reduce or eliminate bleeding gums, gum swellings, tender/painful gums, bone destruction.

  • Remove staining on the teeth to give a brighter, whiter smile.

  • A home cleaning regime tailored for your needs will be demonstrated to allow you to maintain healthy gums at home using very simple and effective techniques.

  • Fresher breath- the hard bacteria on the teeth and gums can cause an unwanted odour so regular cleaning is vital to keep the mouth smelling gums fresh.

  • Reduce sensitivity/painful gums

  • Loose teeth may become firmer as the gums become healthier.

  • Prevent tooth loss- The bacteria can destroy the surrounding bone of the roots so regular cleaning helps to prevent extensive bone destruction, possibly resulting in tooth loss.

  • Prevent gum infections- the hard bacteria can cause an infection (abscess) in the gums causing pain, throbbing, gum swellings, blood, and pus from the gum.

  • Fluoride treatments- Fluoride helps to keep the teeth strong, helping to prevent tooth decay and help sensitive teeth.

  • Bone and gum assessments can be performed using our computerized system, allowing us to compare any progress or regress of bone levels and gum inflammation

  • Fissure sealants- Bacteria and food can stagnate in the pits and fissure of premolars and molars so a seal can be placed over the fissures to prevent tooth decay.

  • Smooth fillings- Fillings can become stained, so smoothing a filling can help restore and whiten your smile.






This will be carried out by a UK trained Dental Hygienist and Therapist

 Please allow 45 minutes for the appointment. 

At your dental hygiene appointment, the hygienist will perform:

  • A thorough gum/bone assessment using latest digital technology to monitor and assess progress.

  • Easy, quick, and effective cleaning techniques demonstrated, tailored to your individual needs to help you maintain a healthy mouth at home.

  • Removal of tartar above and below the gumline of ALL teeth with local anesthetic if required/requested to help reduce and eliminate bleeding and inflamed gums.

  • A full mouth polish, helping to reduce/eliminate future staining and rid of any staining on the teeth to give you a brighter, whiter smile.

  • Polish of stained front fillings to restore them to their normal whiteness

  • Advice for prevention of all dental diseases such as:

o   Gum Disease/ Periodontal Disease Daily home regime formulated to maintain healthy gums and bone levels.

o   Toothbrush abrasion causing receding gums and sensitive teeth.

o   Acid erosion caused by acidic foods and drinks that thin the enamel resulting in sensitivity and chipped/weak enamel.

o   Attrition (grinding) causing jaw pain and destruction of enamel causing sensitivity and chipped or broken teeth.

o   Decay caused by dietary habits. Diet analysis can be given to discover the cause of decay and discuss alternative options to prevent future treatments being required.


(Prevention of further bone destruction)

If the hardened bacteria built up on the teeth have destroyed some of the bone levels surrounding a tooth, the gum can become loose causing bacteria to easily enter below the gumline and crystalize on the root surfaces causing chronic inflammation of the gums and bone loss.

In this case a ‘deep clean’ is required. 

A deep clean involves the removal of tartar from the root surfaces with local anesthetic if required/requested to allow the gums to heal and tighten to the root surface aiding stabilization of mobile teeth and inflamed gums. 

A special solution is irrigated under the gum to kill damaging bacteria hiding under the gum. 

Antibiotic therapy can also be carried out to one or more teeth to help slow down the rate of bone destruction and to aid healing of the gums.


Fissure sealants are often used for children and adults to help prevent tooth decay. Bacteria and food can stagnate in the pits and fissure of premolars and molars so a fissure sealant can be placed over them to allow a smooth surface, helping to prevent food and bacteria stagnation which contributes towards tooth decay.


Teeth can discolour throughout life mainly due to

  • Age

  • Staining from tea, coffee, red wine, smoking, medications or development problems.

  • Failing fillings

  • Tooth decay

At Mayz Dental Care, we offer teeth whitening using plastic trays and syringe system to use at home.

We would need to take impressions of your mouth to make a plastic tray specifically made for you. (This can be done within 24 hours).

Then you apply the bleach at home, ideally overnight until you reach the desired whiteness. (approx. 5 sessions at home.)


The beauty of the tray system is that once you have the trays made, you only need to buy the bleach in the future from any dentist.


The trays are 60€ each (1 for top and 1 for bottom) and a box of bleach containing 5 syringes of 16% carbomide peroxide bleach is 100€

Tooth whitening has been known to cause sensitivity but the gel that we use has an active ingredient to help reduce sensitivity allowing you to enjoy your whiter smile.

We are here to help